Fives FAQs

Questions and answers

 Your designated team manager will need to register first. They will then be able to share a link with the rest of the team so each member can register themselves.

 After clicking on the registration link, choose the ‘register as an individual’ option. Then complete the registration process.

All players must register in the TGFC Majestri system and pay all fees prior to taking the field. Players must also register with Football Queensland through the Squadi registration system and pay the necessary insurance fees where applicable.

Absolutely! We encourage everyone of all skill levels to get involved. When registering, you can opt for either the social or competitive competition. If you’re new to the game, the social comp may be a better choice for you.

Your fees cover the following:

  • your players’ insurance
  • referee fees
  • equipment costs
  • maintenance and care of the fields
  • field lighting
  • general club maintenance costs

It’s only matches. The fast-paced nature of five-a-side itself serves as a form of training, helping players improve their skills in tight spaces and under pressure, which translates to better overall performance without the need for separate training.

Please see our guidelines page.

There needs to be a minimum of 2 players of each gender on the field at all times.

Players are required to wear shin pads and football boots—no metal studs or runners allowed. All players on a team must wear a playing shirt of the same colour as designated by the team. Shirts do not need to be numbered. Goalkeepers need to be identifiable by either a different colour jersey or by simply wearing a bib. Bibs will be available on the night and provided by competition managers.

We request that all teams arrive ready to play at least 10 minutes before their game to ensure all games throughout the evening remain on time.

Teams need a minimum of 5 players to commence the match. Players can be borrowed from other teams within an age group, but non-registered players cannot fill in due to insurance-related issues.

Notification will be posted on the club website. In the case of wet weather, grounds will be inspected no later than 4:30 pm on game day to give the best opportunity for games to go ahead. Cancellations will occur in cases of extreme wet weather or where grounds have experienced excessive water and are unsafe to play. In the case of light rain, games will go ahead if the grounds are playable. Games lost to wet weather will be replayed in the final week if possible.

There won’t be a finals series, but we can celebrate at the end of the fun season!