Fives Guidelines

Outlined below are the key things you need to know for our summer social 5-a-side competition. This information is set out to provide guidelines for play but the driving force behind this competition is social, fun and fitness!

We hope you enjoy the season ahead and encourage you to contact us on with any feedback, concerns or questions.


All players must complete their registration in the TGFC Majestri system and pay all fees prior to taking the field. Players must also register with Football Queensland through the Play Football registration system and pay the necessary insurance fees where applicable. Players are required to wear shin pads and football boots, no metal studs and no runners allowed.


All players on a team must wear a playing shirt of the same colour as designated by the team. Shirts do not need to be numbered. Goalkeepers need to be identifiable by either a different colour jersey or by simply wearing a bib. Bibs will be available on the night and provided by competition managers.


A weekly schedule will be posted on our website each Saturday for game times the following week. We request that all teams arrive ready to play at least 10 minutes before their game to ensure all games throughout the evening remain on time. Teams need a minimum of 5 players to commence the match.

Players can be borrowed from other teams within an age group, but non-registered players cannot fill in due to insurance-related issues. Games will be played in 2x20 minute halves with a 2-minute half-time break. No additional or injury time will be added for games.

Game rules

  • There is no off-side.
  • No slide tackling.
  • Goalkeepers can handle the ball inside the designated goal area only.
  • There are no throw ins. The ball is put back into play by kicking it in from the sideline where the ball exited the pitch. The ball must be stationery when played back in. Opposing teams must be a minimum of 5 metres back from the kick in.
  • Corner kicks will be as per normal game rules.
  • All free kicks are to be indirect with opposition players to be set back 5 metres.
  • Penalties to be taken from the top of the goal box.
  • When the ball goes over the goal line a GK can restart with either a goal kick or throw. The ball must not cross over the halfway line on the full. If it does, this will result in a free kick to the opposition from halfway.
  • If the GK gains control of the ball in the goal square they must not throw the ball over halfway without it touching a player first . If it travels on the full and does not touch a player, this will result in a free kick to the opposition.
  • All substitutions are to be made as interchange and can be done at any time during play. The referee does not need to acknowledge. However, the interchange player can not enter the field of play until the player for whom they are coming on has exited the pitch. The players exiting and the entering the field of play must do so at the same point and anywhere along the sideline so as not to provide any advantage.


In the case of wet weather, grounds will be inspected no later than 4:30pm on game day to give the best opportunity for games to go ahead.

In the case of light rain, games will proceed if the grounds are playable. Cancellations will occur only in cases of extreme wet weather or where grounds have experienced excessive water and are unsafe to play.

Notifications will be posted on the club website. Games lost to wet weather will be unable to be replayed due to the season schedule.